F AXE Wooden Floor White Soap
Basic treatment and cleaning of all wooden surfaces.
FAXE Wooden Floor Soap is a mild, oil-regulating agent suitable for use on oiled, waxed or soap treated wood surfaces.
FAXE Wooden Floor Soap is made of light coloured, refined vegetable oil and natural wax. It is free of conservation agents and solvents.
Technical Information
Tools: For Cleaning: 2 buckets or a double sided container, break-frame mop or Doodlebug mop.
For soap protection: bucket, Doodlebug lye applicator.
Preparation: Remove loose dirt from the surface using a brush or vacuum cleaner.
Preparations for cleaning:
Fill both buckets with 5 litres of water, add approx. 1 cupful of soap to one of the buckets (1:40).
Mop the floor clean using the soapy water. loosen stubborn dirt, pick it up with the mop and rinse the mop in clear water.
Damply mop the floor with the clean soap solution. Do not rinse the floor with clean water!
Application as soap protection:
Mix the FAXE Wooden Floor Soap with 5-10 parts of warm water.
Apply a thin film of the soap solution, with the grain, using the lye applicator and allow to dry.
Repeat the treatment, after drying 2 to 4 times.
Wooden floors with soap protection are cleaned in the same way as described under cleaning except soap solution of twice the strength is used (1:20).
Tip: Stubborn dirt can be removed gently by using a white pad and a small amount of soap solution.
Components: Soap made from vegetable oils and natural wax, chalk and titanium white, <5% EDTA, 5-15% Soap.
The finished result depends, amongst other things, on the preparatory treatment,
structure and natural colour of the substrate. For this reason, try out first on a sample
For our Brojure covering a variety of product uses and support videos click this link

To see Faxe white Wooden Floor Soap being used in demonstration videos please click:
DC003 & DC011 sampling
DC003 on site
DC004 & DC010 sampling
DC004 on site
DC020 sampling