AboutWoca - a subsidiary website to www.DaneCare.co.uk

Over 20 years operating across the United Kingdom our staff have commissioned or refinished 1000’s of wood floors. During this time we have built knowledge that through our AboutWoca site can be passed on to clients who are treating their own floors or to other contractors wishing to build their own offering.

The majority of what we recommend will be for oil-based solutions. When oiled, your wood will look its best, feel warmest and acoustically be the quietest. When correctly maintained, an oiled finish should be everlasting. The importance of this cannot be understated given that a great many floors, worktops, tables etc. are nowadays constructed using veneers of limited thickness and floors in many homes or businesses are extremely difficult to take out of use for more than a short period or sand repeatedly.

To explain further; an oiled wood surface has not got a coating, which is the simplest description of a lacquered floor. To the contrary, the wood is impregnated with finish, smoothed and honed, so that its reflection is perfect at low angles, but minimal at high angles. When walking into a room you see a smooth and clean surface. When you’re on the floor and looking down, however, there is no reflection to prevent you seeing the beauty of the wood grain and colour. Furthermore, you are in direct contact with the wood so it feels warmer and indeed sounds quieter.

When colouring wood using lyes or oils then the colour will be within the wood and look a natural product, rather than having a coating of colour.

Drawing primarily on Woca as a supplier we can offer a wide variety of lyes, stains & oils for finishing woods. We expand our offering using a number of suppliers working in areas that are not Woca's field. All are previously tested on projects by our own contractors and so we can be sure to meet designers’ & their customers’ most discerning needs. Training instructions are prepared either with floors in mind or for work on other surfaces.

As mentioned, the business is unique in having gathered, after 20 years of work, well over 2000 customers who remain in touch and draw on our product supply or maintenance service. They share their experiences so we can be confident in saying how our finishes will be after 1, 5, 10 or even 15 years.

Every project and enquiry brings something new so please get in touch to discuss your needs. Its always a pleasure to talk!
